
A long, long time ago before Blu-Ray, iPods, cell phones, and even VHS tapes, Helen & Bruce Middleton decided that the Town of Wainwright needed a restaurant that was both a health food store (hence the name Honeypot as honey was considered a health food) and a small eating establishment that embodied a healthier trend in family dining...but before all this came to pass the old place went through some wild and tough times....
The Honeypot Eatery & Pub has a history that goes back to Wainwright’s infamous “Great Fire” of 1929 that razed most of Wainwright to the ground and the rumour is that the spark that started the fire spread from an ash can in the backyard of the very first building here (you can see pictures of the fire's aftermath in the lobby of our restaurant). The original house was built shortly after the "Great Fire" by the Nordstroms. Not long after, the house again suffered from a fire, but the majority was saved.
During the 30’s and 40’s the building was used as a boarding house (hence the name of the Boarding House Burger) and many rumours have sprung up from that time. Some say there was a brothel upstairs, a mischievous ghost (nicknamed Charlie), a still in the basement, and illegal gambling that resulted in at least one shooting. Adding to these rumours, there is the story that the carpenter, who built the original house and many other homes in Wainwright, was murdered and his body dumped into a well. As time passed many theories have come forward about the identity of the murderer. To this day it remains a mystery.
In the late 50's Bruce Middleton was posted to the Wainwright military base. He brought with him his wife, Helen and son, Steve. Helen (Granby, PQ) and Bruce (Nanton, AB) decided to set down roots in Wainwright and raise their family. By 1962, Patricia, Jean, and Gwen had arrived and the whole family had become true "Wainwrightonians".
In 1969 Bruce and Helen purchased the home that was to become the Honeypot from Mrs. McLean. Time marched on as they raised their family. Helen was always the entertainer and a fantastic cook and after Bruce's retirement from the army he started a construction company. But Helen was restless, she had always felt there was a need for a good family restautant in town; something other than diners and sweet and sour. And this was how The Honey Pot Restaurant was conceived.
In the summer of 1978, the entire Middleton clan, working together with friends, built a restaurant in the driveway of their home and on June 3, 1979 they opened "The Honey Pot" to serve the people of Wainwright. It was a health food store that also served a great breakfast and tasty "homemade style" buffet at lunch and supper.
Helen was still restless and could see even more potential; a place where a more mature group could relax with an adult beverage but still be able to enjoy her amazing food. So, in 1982, Helen & Bruce moved their living space to the second floor of the house and remodeled the ground floor to become a lounge. The name was changed at this time and the business became the "Honey Pot Restaurant and Boarding House Lounge"
In 1986, the groundbreaking decision to install a draft beer system was made. The HP was one of the first purveyors of Big Rock beers and introduced Pale Ale, Best Bitter and Porter to the people of Eastern Alberta. To this day we still carry Big Rock as our main supplier of draft beer. At the same time a move towards a short order menu was made. The demand for a really serious hamburger was huge and the Boarding House Burger was conceived. Steak became the primary direction for the menu and the Honeypot Restaurant and Boarding House Lounge enjoyed phenomenal growth.
1989 saw Steve Middleton (Helen & Bruce's son) take over and not long after the fully windowed "terrace" was added to the restaurant. It was the perioed of the "Lounge" as Steve encouraged darts play and had a strong camaraderie with all his guests. The HP sponsored it's own Slow Pitch Team and was instrumental in the development of "La Bears" hockey.
During the '90s Steve married his partner Darlene and they successfully ran the business until the fall of 2001 when they sold the restaurant to more family members.
In September 2001, Jean Middleton and Alex Heath purchased the business and renamed it the Honeypot Eatery & Pub. The style of the place changed to reflect the passions of the new owners and a long period of renovation began. Over the course of the next 9 years the entire establishment was refinished and restored.
The renovations culminated in 2007 with the addition of a new lobby and bathrooms adding nearly 1000 square feet and giving a much needed expansion to the whole restaurant. The kitchen was completely overhauled, creating more room for the chefs to work as well as all new walk-in coolers and freezers.
In the spring of 2008, Michela Heath (Alex & Jean's eldest daughter) came on board as the General Manager. Bringing a set of clever organization skills with her, a new era was heralded in. All new training programs and management style gave each guest a more consistent experience in both cuisine and service.
Even as recently as 2010, various parts of the old place have been remodeled in the never ending mission to give you, our valued guest, the very best dining experience.
We would like to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read this. We know you'll enjoy your experience...in fact, we guarantee it.
The Honeypot Eatery & Pub, where your comfort is a commitment.